Internal Doors Devon

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Click on door images for details & sizes - fire dooor - Flame symbol denotes available as a fire door
The 'Deanta' Collection of Flat Panel & Shaker Interior Doors - Engineered Oak
Prices in Red are this months 'Special Offer' + VAT - Please click on door images for more detailed pricing or call for a quote
Custom made sizes and pre-hung door sets available - Please call our knowledgeable sales team
Eton oak doorDeanta Doors
Flat Panel Crown Cut Oak
fire dooor
Less 40% =
From £100.64
Eton glazed doorDeanta Doors
'Eton Glazed'
Glazed Clear Glass
Less 40% =
From £133.88
Panel Inside DoorsDeanta Doors
Flat Panel Crown Cut Oak
fire dooor
Less 40% =
From £124.22
Cambridge door
'Cambridge' &'Cambridge Glazed'
Flat Panel Crown Cut Oak
Less 42% =
From £105.34
Wladen Oak door Deanta Doors
Wladen Oak Glazed door
Flat Panel Crown Cut Oak
fire dooor
Less 40% =
From £103.25
darwen oak door Deanta Doors
darwen oak door
Flat Panel Crown Cut Oak
fire dooor
Less 40% =
From £111.77
coventry Oak doorDeanta Doors
Flat Panel Crown Cut Oak
fire dooor
Less 40% =
From £108.11
Inside Glazed Doors Deanta Doors
Coventry Oak Glazed door
'Coventry Glazed'
Glazed Clear & Obscure Glass
Less 40% =
From £143.54
The 'Deanta' Collection of Pre-finished Flat Panel & Shaker Interior Doors - Engineered Oak
Custom made sizes and pre-hung door sets available - Please call our knowledgeable sales team
Pre-finished Shaker Oak
fire dooor
Less 47% =
From £113.98
Deanta Door
Pre-finished Glazed Clear Glass
fire dooor
Less 47% =
From £144.75
Pre-finished Glazed Obscure Glass
Less 47% =
From £165.84

'Deanta' offer the largest lippings in the UK internal door market. All of their doors have 18mm lippings around the entire door, meaning that hinging can be fitted without hitting the solid core. A total of 32mm can be taken off the height and width (16mm max each edge) off all 'Deanta' doors ensuring they will fit into any size opening.

'Deanta' also produce solid doors with specially selected crown cut oak veneers to give a real timber look and feel.

The 'Deanta' Collection of Traditional Interior Doors - Engineered Oak
Custom made sizes and pre-hung door sets available - Please call our knowledgeable sales team
Deanta Doors
'Kerry Glazed'
Glazed Bevelled Glass Door
Less 40% =
From £187.36

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01202 872211


01395 202069

Kerry doorDeanta Doors
'Bristol 10 Glazed'
Glazed Bevelled Glass Door
Less 40% =
From £172.98
The 'Deanta' Collection of Pre-finished Traditional Interior Doors - Engineered Oak
Custom made sizes and pre-hung door sets available - Please call our knowledgeable sales team
Deanta Door
Pre-finished Panelled Oak Door
fire dooor
Less 41% =
From £121.96
Chiswick Glazed Interior DoorDeanta Door
Pre-finished Glazed Bevelled Glass
Less 41% =
From £153.25
Deanta Door
Pre-finished Panelled Oak Door
fire dooor
Less 40% =
From £127.27
Deanta Door
Chiswick Glazed Interior Door
Pre-finished Panelled Oak Door
fire dooor
Less 40% =
From £153.40
Kensington OakDeanta Door
Pre-finished Panelled Door
fire dooor
Less 40% =
From £180.83
Deanta Door
'Kensington Glazed'
Pre-finished Glazed Bevelled Glass
Less 40% =
From £245.81
grey inside door Deanta Door
grey inside door
Pre-finished Alli. Inlay Oak Door
fire dooor
Less 47% =
From £158.54

Please Telephone

for Quote & Availablity

Telephone us

01202 872211


01395 202069

Suppliers of Quality Doors - Please Click on Logo for the Manufacturer's Ranges
LPD inside doors Xl Joinery for Inside and  outside doors Deanta Doors Mendes doors JBK resientioal Inside Doors Doors of Distinction